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Be alert, on the action you perform


We often don't care on things that are monotonous to us, but this can lead to serious addicted habit in the long run, being unproductive and overconfidence on doing things, which is the last position, that all us would hope to put over selves. No Matter how fast your performing, but try to do it right on first time. Be attention, try sequence to every step on your mind, before you actually perform.  

Don’t multi task, when Preoccupied


Have presence of mind and stop thinking over other tasks while performing present task. Especially when we think over next steps or next reaction, while doing the present task, which is dangerous, this can lead to a total brain hang. Forgetting next step and left out from the current step. So, try to running multi tasks on your mind, minimize or perform the next action after completion of present one. 

Skipping Multi Tasking - Is it possible?


With Smart Devices from modern technology, we work smartly handling multiple task simultaneously and sometimes we do it better. Multi tasking works well, when one action can actually wait for your response, and does not affect any process flow that your following to complete a specific task.

Like Viewing your favorite Sports Scores - update can wait once you refresh the browser. Mean while your composing an email to your client. 

If you have to Multi task  -  No Way Out!!


We cannot skip multi tasking forever, at some point its needed to function around the ever growing modern age. Hence, Add Notes while you perform multi tasking. This way you can keep a track of the actions that comes next. You can focus 1000% on the specific task and take over on the next step from the notes. This will always give you scope for rechecking your work done and will allow you to work with confidence on the next stage. 

Plan ahead a day's task


This is slightly an upgraded version of the previous process. If you planning your day, this means you can perform within time and even faster but efficiently. This would not lead to pressure you throughout the day. This can also give you time to audit your every step. You can breathe with sigh of relief, can also manage, if your manager or client throws an additional responsibility on top. 

Feel relaxed 


Go with the winning mind, have a small vision of tasting victory at every task, but not become overconfident. This keeps you from being aware of what's the requirement and you can also come up with the improvement for it. To do it better and more accurately. 

Before doing anything think what has to be achieved, and after completion, never leave it unaudited or unchecked.

Sometimes we think, we are right on certain aspects based on learning and our logic - try to think out of box. Always have a open mind, welcome inputs from others for your betterment.

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