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How to Extend your Smartphone Battery


There are plenty of recommendations, tips and tricks on extending battery floating over the internet. We have tried to make it simpler. All of us love to use our smartphone throughout the day. Be it on the job or while cooling down back at home. We need our phones especially at the time of emergencies, on the contrast, while streaming your favorite content. By taking care of these following vital points, you can peacefully sail through your day(No promises though).

Brightness off


This is a demanding process to follow, on making your phone's brightness to zero, when locked. The backlight consumes major part of battery juice, your brightness remains same even when device is locked, to give instant light as you unlock your phone. So making your brightness to 0 or low is a good practice.

This will help when you are aware about the duration of your session or meeting and within indoor. If your travelling and need Map assistance, this would not be the idle option.

Best time to charge your phone


A Question that everybody has. Lets get into some of the important aspects of this question, before considering the plan of action. We work, play and stream, phone is idle at times, but also used extensively. People charge their phone at the start of the day, and usually end up charging again at night, and the process keeps going on and on. 

Best Time to charge your phone, also constitutes with the method to be followed along with appropriately stated electronic accessory being used.

Best Time to charge your phone would be during night. Using a set timer for your charging. An adapter which has a detection function of charging, which can auto shut power supply. By charging this way and at night, there won't be an additional charging session required and by following all the other steps, it is sure you would get through 1 day after decent use. 


Allow background data only to certain apps


Background data keeps you updated upto the latest minute on things you do or follow. But this also drains your battery as your device uses data and is actively trying to catch the signal for your updates. By restricting background data on the apps that are of less interest to you. You can add more time on battery.

News apps, which updates constantly, Facebook notifications chiming frequently etc,. By stopping background data to unused and specific apps, this will let your device to cool and use less resources.

Turning off Group notification on Messenger App (whatsapp)


This applies to all those messenger apps which has group chats. By joining recommended groups, we get tons of updates, invites, gossips, malicious links and what-not. If you cannot capitalize on group's contribution, then you can simply MUTE them, this will suppress the notification and lets your device act normal rather than alerting every second. Later you can catch up with group messages at the end of the day.

Battery analysis apps


Most of the smartphones have the battery analysis under their respective phone setting. It gives you general details - Battery percentage Left, Apps using battery, Some also recommend to force stop.
But analyzing and identifying the culprit causing the battery drain at different levels, lets you manage the device better. You can avoid certain actions and app usage when you really need the phone to stay on. This is also useful to improve the health of your battery.

Apps Like System Monitor, AccuBattery gives you comprehensive details regarding battery consumed - screen on & off.

Turn off your data, while going to sleep


This would also be an added advantage on saving your data, even though it might not affect to a noticeable extent, in turn this would limit the battery usage. Moreover with the set timer charger, you would wake up to witness 100 % charged device. Fear of over charging and missing out on an important emergency call from your close circle at late night will diminish.  

If you still require to power your phone and you have no other option, carrying a power bank will help.


** These steps are only to keep your phone live, so it can come in as helping hand during your crisis situation. UrbanFYX are not responsible, if you didn't get the results from steps mention above.
** Please use it under your own risk, UrbanFYX is not responsible for any type of damage caused to you or your device.
** This will not work, if your gaming, streaming and using phone heavily throughout the day.

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